However, when Sebastian goes all out, his eyes turn magenta. Sebastian has caramel-colored eyes, close enough to brown that most characters don't remark on it but just off enough to remind the audience that he's different, and Claude Faustus from the second season of the anime has them as well. Black Butler: All shinigami have gold/green eyes, such that it can be used as proof that someone is a current or former "god of death " all of them are fairly neutral, but are also shown to be very powerful when crossed.

The Kowloon Children in Black Blood Brothers have gold irises and black scleras, as well as pointy ears and claws, making them seem more feral.However, it's one of the early hints of his true nature. Reiner is notably the only character with amber eyes, easily written off as brown eyes since he's the reliable Team Dad. The Armored Titan, from Attack on Titan, matches this with Glowing Eyes of Doom, for striking effect.ARIA: Cait Sith qualifies here, being the King of Cats and all that.Both are some of the hardest opponents in the series, and two of three Angels to use Hyper Mode (in the manga, only Blanche can use it). In Angelic Layer, the Angel, Blanche, has yellow eyes, and her operator's partner's Angel, Shirahime, has red eyes.It indicates that they are drawing on their full power rather than holding back as they usually do. In the manga Hild and Lind can both manifest these as part of their Game Face.Morgan Le Fay, the shape shifting fairy from the Ah! My Goddess movie, is shown with golden eyes.If there are only mundane characters who have this eye color in the work (that aren't mistaken for supernatural because of it), the work does not use this trope. Please do not add characters who just happen to have eyes of this color without the proper reason behind it. It should be noted that this trope is NOT for characters who just have eyes of this color, but rather for when the color actually indicates the character is supernatural in nature.

Gold eyes are also harder to distinguish from "normal"-colored eyes, and hence can add more of an element of surprise if The Reveal shows a character to be something other than what they initially appear to be.Ī subtrope of Technicolor Eyes and Mark of the Supernatural. In the sorting algorithm of "Uh-Oh" Eyes, gold eyes fall one step below Red Eyes, Take Warning, since it's entirely possible for the character to just be a trickster rather than evil. It is also found around the world in many other contexts: in tales of genies, witches, and other mythological beings, where they cannot hide their golden or two-tone eye colors in animal form.